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TRC Simulators b.v.

Who we are


TRC Simulators produces a complete line of affordable realistic flight training devices. Not like most low cost flight simulators equipped with LCD screens, simulating aircraft instruments. Instead all TRC Simulators flight simulators are equipped with replicated, but realistic instruments showing no difference in size, position and functionality compared to real instruments.

Our Flight Simulator systems, from desktop system to full motions systems, are based on a Cessna 172 or a Beechcraft Baron 58, but can be used and certified as a generic single or dual engine flight simulator. Depending on your requirements, these systems can be equiped with an analog panel, or with a glass cockpit panel and are up to EASA FNPT II standards. At this moment a Tecnam P2010 simulator is in development and will be rady for certification beginning 2021.

Our values

TRC Simulators flight training devices are so faithfully designed, that even experienced pilots find it difficult to tell the difference between a flight simulator device produced by TRC Simulators and the original aircraft. All instruments and gauges are accurate reproductions of the originals, without concessions! Therefore you cannot only perfectly practice IFR flights, but TRC Simulators Flight Training Devices also let you make yourself familiar with operating instruments and with their position on the panel. This means more effective use of practice time and safer flight! TRC Simulators has developed an entirely new concept for the production of flight simulators.

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