About Us
The SkyPro UAV is a High-Tech company who offers Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) solutions; Our offered UAVs are widely used in Surveillance missions and Intelligence gathering information as well.
The SkyPro team has over 30 combined years of experience in UAV aircraft and flight operations. Aircraft from scratch in many shapes and sizes using both gasoline and electric propulsion, and we have started surveillance since 10 years by offering advanced cameras and gimbals.
10 years ago, we have been approached to design UAVs. The first one was a small effective electric UAV with an endurance of 40 minutes with a fixed 12mm camera. After that, we worked for 2 years to offer a successful electric powered UAV- the V200 - with an exceptional endurance up to 3 hours, and excellent day&night payloads. We have equipped the V200 with the latest technology to go beyond the limits and added an innovative parachute landing for all terrain.
Lately, we started with the new Carbon Kevlar V200-C, targeting to be the lightest and strongest electrical airframe we have ever built, made with advanced hybrid composite materials.
Along with the V200 series, we have introduced the avionics customization of a new VTOL Quadplane airframe based on hybrid gasoline engine and electric brushless motors with new sensors and payload capabilities: the M6 series.
Our values
As it is always known - a fuselage is just a fuselage, not a UAV. There are a multitude of parts that have to be extremely carefully selected and we have extensively tested hundreds of items and parts in all weather conditions and sometimes we do the same severe test again and again to make sure the item will not fail us under any conditions to ensure that the aircraft can safely fly for hours, transmit video and data at 60+ km, and return safely, and do this over and over again. It took over 10 years of build experience for us to make it all work flawlessly.
With our successful payload of the 360° coverage with 10X/30X and the newest 40X continuous optical zoom day camera and the thermal camera 25mm/35mm lens and with our exceptional time endurance for the copter drones and with the new upcoming retractable dual cameras gimbal combined of the 30X daylight & the 25mm thermal cameras and 40X/35mm, our UAV is now compared to well-know UAVs.
Those relentless tests gave us the vast experience necessary to be experts and successful in UAVs. The SkyPro team has also 20 years of experience in communications and 10 years in UAV avionics.
The SkyPro team now consists of 15 personnel in all over the world, most of them engineers. Our dynamic team possesses over 50 years of combined experience in UAV and small aircraft design and flight operation as well as electronics, software and radio technologies.