Who we are
With over 40 years of experience in the industry, we know how children play and how play affects their development. RODECO delivers more than just a playground - we create a place that meets children's needs for physical and mental activity.
More playgrounds are being built in public places, schools and shopping centers than ever before. The requirements are tough. The playground must be very safe, have high durability and quality and be fun to play in. A modern playground should also not tell children how to play, children should discover this for themselves, preferably with their parents, while developing their imagination and motor skills.
Our values
Our guiding principles are a safe and secure play environment. We know the art of designing play environments that are both fun and safe - both on land and in water. Over the years, RODECO has built up a solid knowledge of children's play and its positive effects. Our ambition is that behind every attractive meeting place there should be a play facility from RODECO!
But a well-thought-out, creative and fun playground not only allows children to develop, but also its neighboring activities. The value of return visits increases for the whole family and families stay longer.