PrehKeyTec GmbH

About Us

PrehKeyTec GmbH is a leading international manufacturer of high quality data entry solutions for professional areas. In close cooperation with our business partners, we develop and produce specific keyboards and scanners at our headquarters in Mellrichstadt. Our products give our customers worldwide advantages in terms of reliability and efficiency in manufacturing, retail and many other sectors.PrehKeyTec GmbH is a leading international manufacturer of high quality data entry solutions for professional areas. In close cooperation with our business partners, we develop and produce specific keyboards and scanners at our headquarters in Mellrichstadt. Our products give our customers worldwide advantages in terms of reliability and efficiency in aviation, manufacturing, retail and many other sectors.

Our values

In addition to keyboards and multifunctional readers, our product range also includes reliable DIN-connectors.

Many decades of know-how in development and production ensure tailor-made solutions in projects with customer-specific requirements.

With our AEO-F (Authorized Economic Operator) certification and our status as a “Known Consignor”, we are able to ship our products quickly and reliably, in compliance with legal requirements, worldwide. PrehKeyTec is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 quality standards. We develop and produce all of our products in Mellrichstadt, Germany.