About Us
French manufacturer of CNC machines for more than 25 years, MECANUMERIC offers a wide range of equipment for aeronautics players in order to perform many operations: 2D / 3D machining, engraving, thermoforming, polishing ...
The company can thus supply the actors of the aeronautical industry whatever their activity: aircraft structure, cabin interiors, tools, safety elements ...
The company carries out the design, manufacture, marketing and after-sales follow-up of milling machines, laser, water jet, ultrasound, knives, thermoforming and polishing under the brands MECANUMERIC, MECAMATIC, NORMAPROFIL, CHARLYROBOT, CHARLYDENTAL and DIGITAL CONTROL.
The distribution and monitoring of its products worldwide are ensured:
- either live by MECANUMERIC Albi in France and in many countries (Middle East, Africa, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, etc.)
- either by technical-commercial subsidiaries:
* MECANUMERIC DEUTSCHLAND GmbH for the distribution of products in Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland.
* MECANUMERIC ITALIA Srl for distribution in Italy and Slovenia.
* MECANUMERIC RUS OOO for distribution in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other republics of the CIS,
-or by a network of distributors, partners, agents and technical supports.
Our values
Consolidated turnover of more than € 21 million in 2018, 140 people and more than 13,000 m2 of production area in the South West of France in an ultra omdern factory
- More than 9,000 customers and 16,000 machines installed to date,
- Tailor-made technological solutions to complete the basic offer,
- Various and multiple fields of application,
- A complete and responsive local after-sales service,
- Continuous innovation.
The group is an ally recognized by professionals, capable of providing materials and a service that meet the most demanding criteria, in particular:
Technicality: its R&D department of more than 20 people specializes in the deployment of industrial tools of all types using the latest technical innovations.
Reliability: The MECANUMERIC group is committed to concrete and controlled results.
Proximity: relayed in France via a CARE service with sedentary and itinerant technicians and abroad via a network of subsidiaries, exclusive distributors and technical partners in more than 60 countries, development and services are based on proximity and availability.