About Us

Kohesi Bond is a pioneer in manufacturing custom engineered adhesives, sealants, coatings, potting and encapsulation compounds. In November 2014, we started prototyping as a part of an interdisciplinary effort with the Institute of Chemical Technology, bringing together a team of technical experts to formulate specialty adhesive systems. Through persistent research, technical know-how and groundbreaking innovation we were able to create new compounds that had truly distinguished properties. In September 2015, we founded Kohesi Bond to further our research and manufacture first-rate, industry-ready products in our state of the art facility.

Custom Formulations: Kohesi Bond's products are custom formulated to each application's specific needs. Our products can be adjusted to meet an array of performance and curing characteristics and offer optimal performance in your application.

Resource Centre: Kohesi Bond's extensive library offers engineers with a variety of resources including white papers, catalogs, articles, infographics, technical tips, case studies and much more. In addition, our newsletters keep you updated on our latest developments.

One on One Technical Support: Kohesi Bond offers you personal technical service to ascertain the best adhesive for your application. Each inquiry is accredited to a technical expert, who provides you one-on-one support throughout the designing, prototyping and manufacturing processes.

Industrial Certifications: Kohesi Bond's industry-ready products are capable of passing various stringent testing standards. Some of these include NASA low outgassing, USP Class VI, ISO 10993-5, UL for flame retardancy, FDA, RoHS and halogen free.

Our values

To deliver reliable solutions, we realised that one size does not fit all. Hence, our focus has been on offering tailor-made products, consistent quality and unparalleled expertise to our customers. We want to keep innovating new products with diverse chemistries that add more value to every application. By researching, formulating and testing each product all under the same roof, we are able to take a holistic approach to manufacturing exclusive adhesives and provide customers with an end-to-end solution.

Our International Locations