Elite Simulation Solutions

About Us


a global provider of IFR train­ing soft­ware, flight con­trols and flight train­ing devices. We build and sup­port EASA, FAA, CASA, ANAC and DGCA approved flight training devices and offer cus­tom pro­gram­ming to both pri­vate and gov­ern­ment enti­ties. Our hall­mark is qual­ity and our creed is excellent cus­tomer service.

Since 1987, ELITE® (acronym for Elec­tronic IFR Train­ing Envi­ron­ment) has pro­vided IFR sim­u­la­tion soft­ware for pilots world wide. Quan­tum leaps in com­puter tech­nol­ogy have allowed us to be aggres­sive in prod­uct improve­ment in both soft­ware and flight con­trol engi­neer­ing. This evo­lu­tion­ary process has resulted in open and flex­i­ble flight train­ing sys­tems for per­sonal and insti­tu­tional train­ing pro­grams. ELITE® offers desk­top train­ers and full cock­pit train­ing devices with multi-screen visual sys­tems. We are com­mit­ted to con­tin­ual improve­ment and inno­va­tion and our goal is to pro­vide pilots and schools with high tech / low cost sim­u­la­tion solutions.

Our values

Our Mission & Vision

We strive to build our business—and business relationships with customers and vendors—with the same INNOVATION and INTEGRITY as we use to develop our software and build our training devices. We pledge that CARING customer service is an imperative element in our present and future dealings with others, and in turn, to our success. ELITE exists to exploit our passion for aviation to create aviation training devices that positively impact pilot PROFICIENCY, CONFIDENCE, and SAFETY.