About Us
CoreTechnologie is a leading developer of global 3D CAD data management solutions. Our goal is to optimise the interoperability of engineering models (secure sharing, conversions, simplification, analysis - among others) for users in their PLM environments.
Our customers recognise us as a responsive, strong and committed partner, offering a coherent, complementary and innovative software portfolio. We have unique technical know-how to meet the specific needs of design offices and CAD users, SMEs and large industrial groups.
Our commercial and technical strategy is based on trust and long-term support. Our solutions are a sure bet and are unanimously accepted by organisations, principals and industrial service providers in the automotive, aeronautical, energy, consumer goods and research sectors.
References - They trust us.
Automotive: Renault, Volvo, Porsche, Audi, Fiat, PSA, Chrysler, Ford, BMW, Daimler AG, Ferrari, Tata...
Aerospace: Airbus, Safran, MBDA, Barnes Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, Bombardier, Mecachrome, Avio, Thales, Liebherr Aerospace, Lufthansa Technik, Dräger Aerospace...
Machine, plant and robotics design: ABB, Bosch Rexroth, Branson, Centa, Chiron, Comau, Kuka, Dürr...
Software companies: MSC Software, Ansys, Pointwise, Altair, Steinbichler, Beta CAE, Epic Games, Open Mind, Middle VR, Optis, Haas, Autoform, Ascon, Zeiss, Visual Components, Cradle, Peps, Speag...
Consumer goods manufacturers: 3M, Hilti, Hansgrohe, HTM Tyrolia, Kärcher, Philips, Siemens, Sony, Sony Ericson, Stihl, Viking...
Research centres and universities: CERN, CEA, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Clausthal Rechenzentrum Technische Universität, Fraunhofer Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit, University of Stuttgart...
Our values
CoreTechnologie publishes the most complete 3D conversion and collaboration software suite to date. Our objectives are resolutely oriented towards the development of a technology at the service of our customers. customers to optimize exchanges and, thus, help them to fluidify the flows within their environment.
PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). We offer a highly professional level of service and our core competencies are always at the cutting edge of technology.
We pay particular attention to the quality of our support and to the follow-up of our customers. Our priority is to make our software able to respond immediately and efficiently to all of our customers' interoperability needs.
Our success is based on the unique approach that CoreTechnologie offers to its customers to solve all the problems of management of the share their data.
Our references include more than 500 clients who have a reputation for excellence in their respective field of activity, e.g. automotive, aeronautics, mechanical engineering, etc. or consumer goods.