Advanced Navigation
About Us
Advanced Navigation a global leader in AI-based Navigation Solutions.
Our mission is to offer the best performance for the lowest SWaP-C (Size, Weight and Power, Cost). Our revolutionary sensor fusion algorithm and proprietary hardware enable accurate positioning for Air, Land, Sea and Subsea applications. Some of the companies leveraging our technologies include Airbus, BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin, General Motors and Google.
Advanced Navigation is headquartered in Sydney, Australia with offices in San Diego, London and Perth.
Our values
Our products are put through an intensive calibration process to optimise their performance and provide consistently accurate data over an extended temperature range of -40 °C to 85 °C. Advanced Navigation’s custom calibration process is the only full sensor calibration that can provide dynamic ranging, allowing the user to select a sensor range for high accuracy or high accelerations on the fly. As part of this calibration, every single product unit spends a minimum of 8 hours in our specially built rotating temperature chambers. Advanced Navigation’s quality management system is ISO 9001 accredited.
Our solutions are designed from the ground up for mission critical control applications where reliability is essential. They are built on top of a safety oriented real time operating system and all software is designed and tested to safety standards with fault tolerance in mind. The hardware is protected from reverse polarity, overvoltage, surges, static and short circuits on all external interfaces. The GNSS contains RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring), which excludes both malfunctioning, and tampered satellite signals.
All Advanced Navigation INSs feature a revolutionary sensor fusion filter. The filter is more intelligent than a typical extended Kalman filter and is able to extract significantly more information from the data by making use of human inspired artificial intelligence. It was designed for control applications and has a high level of health monitoring and instability prevention to ensure stable and reliable data.
Advanced Navigation has a long-standing track record of developing bespoke hardware and software solutions ranging from the integration of encrypted military GNSS receiver to implementing motion analysis algorithms.