Waygate Technologies airport scanners

1 company | 3 products
{{#pushedProductsPlacement4.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement4}}

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{{#if product.featureValues}}
{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{#each product.specData:i}} {{name}}: {{value}} {{#i!=(product.specData.length-1)}}
{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
{{/if}} {{#each product.productTagAssociationList}}
{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement4.length}}
{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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{{#if product.featureValues}}
{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/if}} {{/if}}
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{{#each product.specData:i}} {{name}}: {{value}} {{#i!=(product.specData.length-1)}}
{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
{{/if}} {{#each product.productTagAssociationList}}
{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
CT scanner
CT scanner
Phoenix Nanotom® M

The Phoenix Nanotom® M is a nanofocus X-ray CT system for scientific and industrial computed tomography (microCT and nanoCT®) and 3D metrology. The system realizes a unique spatial and contrast resolution on a wide sample and application ...

scanner for the aeronautical industry
scanner for the aeronautical industry

CRxVision is a high-resolution weld inspection and all-purpose computed radiography scanner from Waygate Technologies. The scanner is developed to cover the stringent ISO 17636-2 Class A and B requirements, ...

scanner for the aeronautical industry
scanner for the aeronautical industry

... at lower radiation dose requirement for both isotope and X-ray imaging. Due to high read-out efficiency, this field-proven scanner boasts shorter exposure times, excellent image quality, improved signal to noise ratio ...

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