“XG-Fit Overs” can be worn with or without prescription glasses. They are made to block out dangerous U.V. rays, as well as wind, dust, and airborne debris from the top, sides, and bottom of the lens. They are perfect to protect the eyes, and/ or contact lenses.
All of the “XG-Fit Overs” block up to 98% of the harmful, and dangerous U.V. Rays emitted from the sun. Proper protection is needed to avoid serious eye problems, diseases, and conditions that lead to cancer in, or around the eyes.
Gray lenses are best for blocking glare in very bright, sunny conditions without changing the natural colors of things. Gray lens material is darker than the rose.
Rose lenses work best in hazy, cloudy, smoky, foggy, or dull light conditions. The rose lens will enhance colors to make all colors more vibrant while giving the wearer better color definition, depth perception, and more contrast.