The general access departure platform is an alternative to SITA CUTE at your airport. The general assess departure platform allows to register passengers and luggage both in the departure control systems that are currently in use (ALTEA, ASTRA, SITA, REGINA, TROYA), and in any other system, depending on the carrier’s needs. You will not need to replace any of your current equipment (such as PCs, АТВ/ВТР printers, or the module boarding passes) in order to install the platform. The ZAMAR experts will handle all the necessary hardware upgrades. Our system does not interfere with any departure control system features, be it one-time check-in for connecting flights, self check-in, online check in, or any other services.
user-friendly, intuitive graphic interface;
easy switching between deaparture control system applications;
the system has been designed as a desktop app and does not require a new server infrastructure at your airport.