The ARS-E332 series of triaxial rate sensors uses enhanced specification gyroscopes. This enables the ARS-E332 sensor to improve on the specs of the ARS-C332 for resolution, scale factor accuracy, bias over temperature range and more.
Low Unit Price
Good Environmental Performance
Analog Voltage Output
Available Angular Rate Ranges of 50 to 300° /sec
Solid State Reliability
Two Year Limited Warranty
Watson Industries has manufactured and developed inertial gyro systems since 1980.The company holds numerous patents and is committed to being a leader in the development of angular rate sensing products and systems. The ARS-E332 line of angular rate sensors features our VSG-E series gyros. The VSG gives this angular rate gyro package enhanced performance, reliability and shock survival characteristics.
This sensor system is very rugged. The rate gyros are capable of surviving 500 g’s of shock. Various output ranges are available. Watson Industries manufactures other systems including tilt sensors, vertical references, magnetic instruments, magnetic heading systems, as well as two lines of individual gyros.