Designed to mcct thc rigorous daily nccds of airporl baggage handling, thc robust and durable AB502 is manufactured witli many oplional features to accommodate thc varying requirements of this général application.
Modcl shown lias optional drop down sidc rails
The built-in versatility of this trailer allows for it to be towed either singly or train.
Durable nibber suspension axles, fitted as standard, hclp to extend the working life of the trailer, absorbing the shoek loading transmitted to the body by constant use around the apron. These
together with vibration absorbent material plaeed strategieally between the deck and the châssis, lead to a virtually noiseless ride.
The standard trailer comcs with a parking brakc facility, operating through thc apex in its stored (raised) position and when thc apex is lowcrcd. A positive foot pcdal offers quick release.
Robust but lightweight Steel construction fülly galvanized to ISO 1461
Aluminum chequerplate decking with a “V” to the central channel for rainwater drainage with baggage rétention.
4.00 x 8 solid rubbcr tyre
Neidhart design, nibber in compression, fiill track suspension beams, tumtable steered, brake hubs on front axle, freei wheeling hubs on rear, ail with taper roller bearings.
Heavy duty hinged drawbar fïtted with eithcr 60mm towing eye to suit most attachements. Rear member fïtted with forged Steel towing jaw with permanently retained spring loaded pin assembly for easy opération.