The Third Version of Velos UAV, VelosV3 has enhanced new features:
The new skid pads made from carbon fiber are stronger and lighter, and allow a bigger space for different and larger payloads
Velos V3 has a new improved and more stable governor logic. It also has a Canbus support, exhaustively tested with Here2 and Here3.
The new UAV is connected with the radio TX(ex taranis) not to the RFD 900 but to the laptop via a usb cable as a joystick. With this configuration we manage to have all the communications of the UAV passed only from the serial port without requiring the extra PPM link. That creates many different possibilities for control. We can now use many different options to control the aircraft such as 4G or 5G, silvus streamcaster etc. In Here3, that specific GPS is RTK ready. That means that without any further change on the aircraft we can add the ground RTK system and operate with RTK accuracy.
VelosV3 has an IP65 certificate against ingress of solid foreign objects and water and supports new features such as:
The ability to add more laser altimeters operating at the same time
Obstacle avoidance sensors
Follow me features
Velos core innovation is its twin engine fully redundant design. There is a set of every major component including the main motors, batteries, electronic speed controls (ESC), belts, and gears. Unlike most UAV helicopters that are based on common hobby grade helicopters, we chose to design the Velos UAV from scratch with three main objectives.