The RV-9's wing is unique to the model, enabling highly-efficient flight way up in the altitudes.
It's quick, but its also very efficient. Flying up high means terrific economy for those longer trips.
The long, thick wing also means the aircraft is extra-stable. Great for IFR and family travel.
The high-lift wing means it flies quite slow -- enabling very short takeoff and landing distances.
Think about the kind of flying you really do. Is the RV-9/9A a good match? If you’re a hard-core aerobatic type, perhaps not. But for most of us, the RV-9/9A will do everything we want to do, and do it at less expense and at a much higher “fun quotient” than any competing design. We think it’s a great airplane for a great many pilots.
Van’s has always striven for “Total Performance,” the ability to do very well at as many things as possible. But all airplanes are compromises, and no matter how versatile each is biased toward a particular “mission.”
Blazing speed and “wring-it-out” aerobatics are not important for many pilots. Their day-to-day flying consists of local trips, relaxed cross-countries, and occasional long flights. The RV-9/9A was designed to deliver the most in this environment. The performance this aircraft provides is useable every day. It’s so easy to fly, low-time pilots can make a quick and painless transition. Its short-field performance permits it to easily use the same airports other RVs use. When it’s time for that long cross-country, the RV-9/9A will get you there and back as quickly as any similarly-powered RV.