No other RV is faster. With a top speed of around 220 mph, the RV-8 gets you there quickly while delivering excellent performance on the lower end of the scale plus quick, responsive handling.
Nothing beats sitting right in the middle of the airplane. Wear it like a glove - it becomes a natural, intuitive extension of your body.
Want to do some loops and rolls? The RV-8 is a fully aerobatic-capable airplane, stable and responsive. You'll even see RV-8's competing in sportsman and intermediate categories.
Let's face it. The RV-8 is one hot-looking machine. Often outfitted in military or other attractive paint schemes, and with a fighter-like slider canopy, this aircraft gets looks wherever it goes.
The RV-8/8A provides the fighter-like feel of center-line seating, with a wide fuselage and cockpit that accommodates large people in comfort. Two baggage compartments, one forward and one aft, keep even large amounts of luggage well within the weight and balance envelope. Pilots up to 6’7″ fit in the front. A Tall Pilot option is available (It was used by one successful builder who describes himself as 6’ 10″, although we think he might be taller). Passengers almost as big find the rear seat fits them, too. Factory pilots have flown demo rides with passengers up to 6’9″ and 260 lbs in the back seat.
The RV-8’s almost-perfect control balance and harmony and the excellent visibility make aerobatics a delight. At the aerobatic gross weight of 1600 lbs., the RV-8/8A complies with the +6/-3G standards of the FAA’s Aerobatic Category and can still carry two people,