Goodrich DuraTherm® propeller de-icers are more resistant to foreign object damage and provide more uniform heat distribution throughout the prop de-icer. DuraTherm continues to operate even after damage. Replacement of older de-icers with DuraTherm technology is easy as both systems utilize the same connectors, lead wires and hardware. Installation and maintenance products available for protection of DuraTherm de-icers.
Features & Benefits:
Durable heater technology
More resistant to foreign object damage
More uniform heat distribution
Continued operation if damaged
Ideal for Part 121 and Part 135 operators
Patented commercial heater technology originally adapted by Goodrich for harsh environments
Fully interchangeable with current prop de-icers
Fully tested and FAA certified
Comprehensive support and installation services
DuraTherm installation and maintenance products include:
Goodrich Filler 74-451-100
Goodrich Sealer 82-076
Cement, 3M 1300L cement
Rubber Roller 74-451-74
Metal Roller 74-451-89
Goodrich Cosmetic Products