The EVEREST+ is built for pure hunger for experience outside of any and all conventions. The wing offers you the freedom to keep all your options open through its minimal pack weight. May it be in the reliable thermal spots, travelling or at alpine adventures. Based on the successful Hike&Fly wing Everest the plus provides even more flight fun, more handling and even smaller pack size. A new line concept with three covered main lines per riser and a new light weight clothing are what make the upgrade perfect.
The Everest belongs to the lightest full value gliders in the world. The wing has a huge fan community, because the lightweight miracle additionally convinces with outstanding glide- and rise features. The wing is designed for the hard alpine usage, although it was consciously meant for the everyday use. In favor of the ideal durability, a few more grams additional weight were accepted.
Following the motto “make the best even better”, the newest version EVEREST+ surpasses itself and therefore plays in a separate class. Of course the basic features should not only be kept through the upgrade but even be improved – and that was definitely achieved with the plus. The canopy deforms considerably less than its predecessor and remains calm even when in turbulent conditions. Should a pressure balance be needed after all, the extremely light canopy opens quick as lightning and still soft. Additionally the wing almost doesn’t turn away, even during heavy collapses, which guarantees a big safety-plus especially when flying close to rocks in alpine flights. The subtle and direct handling with short control ways and precise reactions of the wing remained.