iluminated airport signs
identification of place, directional signs, signs marking way out of RWY, signs marking freeing of RWY, signs marking holding points on communication, etc.
Certificate basis
ICAO ANNEX 14 Volume I
FAA AC 150/5345-44F
lighting with halogen lamp 45W/6,6A and emit stable light with specified lighting parameters
type of inscription can be identified at a distance of at least 250 m
where power serial loop is not in operation is an active area of readability guaranteed using translucent foil
are supplied completely equipped, including lamps, connecting cables, breakable coupling, base plates.
supply does not comprise insulating current transformers
bulbs are accessible after unlatching of the frontal panel and its opening.
the frontal panel is secured in open position by two steel stranded wires.
no switch
the manufacturer will send upon request dimensions of foundations for individual types of signs (assembly guide)
it is possible to make matt execution upon the customer's wish
Type of signs
Mandatory sign - white inscription on red background, it is used for identification of the holding point at the RWY threshold, at crossing of RWY/RWY, RWY/TWY, for indication that entry to the filed is prohibited and for identification of the holding point on communication
Informative sign - black inscription and frame on yellow background, it is used for indication of direction of movement, indication of destination, identification of place of freeing of RWY, identification of the center of RWY, identification of place for testing of equipment VOR, indication of aircraft position