Skyper GT9 is an all-metal UL and LSA category two-seater aircraft designed for sports recreational flying and adventurous travel in a comfortable cabin with a view that only a mountaineer can offer.
The prerequisite for the professional creation of aerial photography and video documentation are patiently tuned flight characteristics, which easily carry the aircraft to a quiet stable flight and again safely place it on a short runway. Low operating costs, optimized consumption and economic maintenance as well as service will be appreciated by aviation training centers and instructors. A separate luggage compartment will delight any long-distance traveller, and senior pilots will appreciate an additional overhead seat in a lighted cabin as well as comfortable boarding through a tilting door with large windows.
In the process of continuous development and testing, the direction indicator was gradually enlarged and later the arrowhead of the wings was adjusted. Skyper thus gained greater directional stability and higher travel speed. The guarantee of safety is an airborne parachute system, which in case of an emergency calmly carries the entire aircraft with the crew inside to the ground.
The proud, purely Slovak origin of a reliable classical shoulder wing plane convinces about its qualities thanks, in this category, to a rare, all-metal construction. The sturdy and durable traditional truss construction is a reassuring guarantee of long service life, easy maintenance and simple service.