The TELERAD Series 9000-2GM radio systems are specifically designed to meet the operational requirements for coast guards [GMDSS VHF station], navies, ports, offshore platforms and wind farms.
Main Features
Multimode functionality in one Software Defined Radio
FM (G3E or F3E)
DSC functionality embedded
Wide band 156-163 MHz, in FM, with option to extend down to 150 MHz and up to 174 MHz
2 to 100 W RF Output Power
Remote control and maintenance capability, Built-in test
VoIP conform to EUROCAE ED-137
2 Ethernet ports for redundancy
Optional extension to aeronautical communications: AM mode / frequency range 118-144 MHz
This coastal VHF radio complies to both international aeronautical and maritime standards. This provides interoperability between maritime and aeronautical communications, ideal for JRCCs [Joint Rescue Coordination Center] :
Multi-modes [AM 50W / FM 100W]
Multi-bands [Aero: 108-144MHz / Maritime: 150-174MHz]
And multi-roles [MRCC / ARCC]