The Radar and Video Enforcement Network-Mobile (RaVEN®‑M) offers a fully integrated and rapidly deployable mobile ground surveillance system capable of operating as a stand-alone or networked system, creating a virtual fence. RaVEN‑M offers a high level of flexibility, enabling effective border surveillance in all terrains and environments.
The Telephonics Advantage
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) system gathers, aggregates and evaluates data coming from border/perimeter incidents
Able to reliably detect, track and classify very small and slow-moving targets, fast-moving as well as low-flying objects such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Provides full multi-functional surveillance coverage from ground level to altitudes of 15,000 ft. for hovering rotary-wing aircraft with simultaneous air, marine and ground detection, tracking and intrusion alerting
Sophisticated decision-making tools assist command and control centers, allocating required resources and capabilities as needed
Mobile, fully integrated and rapidly deployable surveillance system
Additional Benefits
Pulse Doppler, x-band radar for long-range detection and tracking of targets
Integrated electro-optic sensors for classification and identification of targets ThreatSTALKER® Command and Control (C2) system provides real-time situational awareness and dispatching mechanisms