• Extremely Broadband Characteristics
• Feeds are Radome Enclosed and Hermetically Sealed
• Designed to MIL-E-16400
TECOM's family of linearly polarized dish and feed antennas are
availablo in a numbor of dittoront typoe lo provido O wideselection of
gain and beamwidth characteristics. All types feature extremely
broadband operation, an average VSWR below 2.0:1 and boresight
squint of less than one tenth of a beamwidth. To protect agoinst weather
extremes, the antenna feeds are hermetically sealed in a foam-filled, low
loss dielectric radome. Parameters of the log periodic feeds have been
selected such that efficient illumination of the parabolic reflector is
maintained over the extreme bandwidths. Azimuth positioners,
polarization rotators and controls are available to complement dish and
feed antennas.