The TDFM-9200 multi-band, airborne transceiver supports digital and conventional analog operation in one or two P25 (Phase I and Phase II) compliant FM All-Band modules AND one or two AM or FM analog modules. The P25 bands supported by the TDFM-9200 include VHF (136 to 174 MHz), UHF (380-520MHz); as well as 7/800 MHz (764 to 870 MHz). Analog modules supported by the TDFM-9200 are single band only and include:
VHF/FM Lo band (30 to 50 MHz),
VHF/AM Aeronautical Band (118 to 135 MHz)
UHF/AM Military Band (225 to 400 MHz)
The new All-Band P25 module can support analog/digital operation on the full FM Band spectrum (VHF, UHF, and 7/800) or can be configured to support operation on any mix of all three bands, two bands, or on any single band.
The TDFM-9200 can support up to two (2) All-Band P25 modules in all the available configurations, two (2) analog modules.
Optional P25 Phase 1 (FDMA) and Phase 2 (TDMA) Trunking is also available.
Radio modules can be individually configured to include any P25 options such as trunking, encryption, OTAR, etc.
Optional Encryption protocols: AES, DES-OFB, DES-XL, DVP, DVP-XL.
Standard ADP Encryption
Available Multiple Encryption Keys: 64 Common Key Reference (CKR) or 16 Physical Identifier Reference (PID) keys.
Each radio module can store 3000 channels and can be programmed to operate in digital or analog mode on a channel-by-channel basis.
Each radio module independently supports SCAN across its entire frequency spectrum.
Built-in audio switching allows multiple RF modules in either combined or separate transceiver configurations.