Resource Management System (RMS) is a software-based solution designed to manage and allocate various resources used for airport operations. Resource Management System aims to achieve resource utilization while considering timely planning for each resource type.
What are Basic Airport Resources?
Aircraft Stands
Check-in Desk
Remote Stands
Bus Gates
Baggage Lateral
Benefits of Airport Resource Management System (RMS)
Air travel continues to be more complex year by year, so effective planning of operations is critical for airports. Airports have limited resources that have to be managed efficiently to maximize the benefit taken from each resource. It is crucial to provide the optimum assignment for each. Any delay or disruption due to a lack of resource availability harms operational flow and passenger experience directly. Resource Management System enables efficient use of airport resources through better planning and optimum use of resources, thus improving the passenger experience.
TAV Technologies Resource Management System (RMS)
TAV Technologies RMS, which is also named as Resource Optimization and Tracking Application, is the key to effective planning of the operations at an airport.
TAV Technologies RMS includes the following modules that can be installed either as a whole or on an individual, modular basis:
Stand and Gate Management
Check-in Desk Management
Carousel Management
Chute Management