New generation FCA-90S-G4 frequency converter
Frequency converters of FCA series are designed to supply aircrafts during preflight maintenance at the airport. They can also be used as a power unit of test benches, hangars and aircraft manufacturing plants.
FCA-90S is intended to supply all types of aircrafts with 400 Hz frequency and 115/200 VAC voltage during preflight preparation and technical maintenance.
Can be manufactured in both standard complete set and also by Client’s special requirements and adjustments.
FCA converters provide:
high quality of output three-phase sinusoidal voltage with frequency 400 Hz;
high efficiency coefficient;
low power consumption.
Main characteristics:
Smart operational TFT display
Full diagnostic turn-up test
Energy consumption metering system
Maximum individual protection
Innovative design
Easy operation and maintenance
A380, B787 compatible
Outgoing 400 Hz 3 phase sinusoidal voltage high quality
High efficiency factor
Energy consumption low level