The EddyCus® TF map 2525 Series automatically images characteristics on samples up to 250 x 250 mm² (10 x 10 inches) in non-contact mode. Upon manual sample positioning the device automatically measures and displays the distribution of properties across the entire sample area. The measurement settings allow easily and flexibly to choose between fast measurement times of below 1 minute or high spatial measurement resolution of more than 50,000 measurement points per sample. The resulting mapping provides a true insight to homogeneity and quality of transparent and non-transparent layers or wafer and metal sheets. The bench-top device allows depending of its setup the precise imaging of sheet resistance, metal thickness or optical transparency.
Fast and precise measurement
High resolution mapping of conductive thin films
Imaging of substrates up to 250 x 250 mm (10 x 10 inches)
Defect detection and coating analysis
Characterization even of hidden and encapsulated conductive layers
Various software-integrated analysis functions (e.g. sheet resistance distribution, line scans, single point analysis)
Measurement data saving and export functions
The device platform is available in different sensor configurations including eddy current sensors for electrical characterization or sensors for optical characterization. Variants of the measurement configurations involve the following options.
Technology: non-contact eddy current
Imaging by multipoint mapping
Thin layer uniformity control
Quality control, input and output control
Positioning area: 300 mm x 270 mm