Soundbook with siNoise is an officially calibratable dual-channel sound level meter according to IEC 61672 (PTB type approval 21.21/09.02). The instrument features separate windows conforming to the above standards for each measurement channel of the sound level meter and is located on a protected partition of the computer, i.e. the software and the setup cannot be changed by the user.
The included real-time 1/3 octave analyzer and level recorder windows are not type-approved features of this instrument. Because siNoise can only be used with type-approved microphones and always works in extended range mode with 110 dB dynamic range and with default parameters, this program is very easy to operate. By double-clicking on a window, this window is maximized or minimized. Changing the display properties (colors, fonts, line thickness, screen orientation) has no influence on the data acquisition and storage. The sound level meter displays 10 sound levels per channel:
Class 1 sound level meter
Measurements according to IEC 61672
Certified measurement of: L AF, L AS, L AI, L Aeq, L AE, L AFmax, L ASmax, L AImax, L ZF, L ZS, L CF, L CS, L CFmax, L Atm5, L Atm5 - L Aeq, L AFn, L Ceq, L Ceq - L Aeq, L Cpeak
All values are displayed as digits. Two main values are displayed as large digits and also as bars.
Officially calibratable (PTB type approval)
Real-time 1/3 octave analyzer
Class 0 (Class 1 type-approved) real-time third-octave filters according to IEC 1260
Measurements from 16 Hz ... 20 kHz
Momentary, max, min spectra simultaneously
Level recorder
Level recording with Fast, Slow, Impulse and Peak weightings
Scrolling time axis with display window of 30 seconds