Compact, robust design for continuous outdoor operation
Battery life > 200h
Unlimited storage capacity on commercial database server
Measured data available on-line via web interface
Removable microphone
Easy operation (self-configuring sensor network
Any number of measuring points
Single, wide measuring range
Sound level curve
Real-time 1/3 octave analysis
Audio data recording
Automatic calibration function
As a modified Tango sound level meter with accuracy class 1 according to IEC 61672 our Tango_NMS monitoring station provides the device basis for the web-based long-term monitoring platform INSIGHTNOW. Tango_NMS was developed for the efficient monitoring of noise created by communities, commercially operated facilities and industrial plants as well as road and rail traffic.
The data measured by the Tango_NMS measuring stations are organised via a ZigBee wireless network and transferred to the central INSIGHTNOW server via an integrated or external 4G modem. The distance between the individual Tango_NMS measuring stations may be up to 300m. ZigBee repeaters or additional Tango_NMS measuring stations may be used to extend the transmission range.
The sound level meter's low power consumption and its additional communication unit allow for 240 hours of operation from an internal battery. This operation time may be extended with an optional back-up battery or solar panel by an other 40 hours.
Due to their low weight and small dimensions installation on public lamp poles is possible. The low power demand combined with the integrated battery and charger unit enables direct feeding from the street lights.