secunet biomiddle is the standard-oriented solution for all conceivable biometrics and eID applications and our approach to using biometric system components and document readers in a modular way and allow their easy replacement at any time. With biomiddle, we make the processes involved in eID enrolment, in police work and at border controls smooth, sustainable and clear.
Thanks to its modular and scalable architecture, biomiddle meets a wide range of requirements - from local pilots to national solutions.
secunet biomiddle communicates with client applications via a service-oriented interface. Therefore, the software is independent of system platforms and programming languages.
Thanks to its consistent standard orientation, biomiddle is easily and quickly integrated into existing infrastructures. In many public enrolment and border control projects, biomiddle is already the hub and heart of large IT infrastructures.
By using internationally standardized interfaces, biomiddle ensures the easy exchange of individual components in the highly dynamic market of biometric technologies.
secunet biomiddle is also available for mobile biometrics and eID applications. We serve all common systems, including Android and iOS.