Alleima® 2RK65 is a high-alloy austenitic stainless steel intended for use under severe corrosive conditions within the process industry. The grade is characterized by:
Very good resistance to attacks in acidic environments, e.g. sulfuric, phosphoric and acetic acid
Very good resistance to pitting in neutral chloride-bearing solutions
Much better resistance to crevice corrosion than steels of the ASTM 304 and ASTM 316 types
Very good resistance to stress corrosion cracking
Good weldability
ASTM: '904L'
UNS: N08904
ISO: 4539-089-04-I
EN Number: 1.4539
EN Name: X1NiCrMoCu25-20-5
Product standards
ASTM A213 (seamless/welded tube)
ASTM A269 (seamless/welded tube)
ASTM A312 (seamless/welded pipe)
ASTM A240 (plate and sheet)
ASTM A276, A479, A484 (bar)
ASTM B677 (seamless tube and pipe)
EN 10216-5 (seamless tube and pipe)
Approved for use in ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code section VIII, div. 1 construction
VdTÜV-Werkstoffblatt 421 (Austenitischer Walz-und Schmiedestahl)