Low processing time for highest throughput
Open architecture
Easy-to-hold body posture with hands down
The R&S®QPS201 security scanner delivers high-precision and efficient security control while ensuring an unobtrusive and uncomplicated experience for scanned persons. It consists of a flat panel with thousands of transmitter antennas that emit extremely low-power millimeterwaves in very short succession and just as many receiver antennas. Persons being scanned stand squarely between the panels as if facing a mirror, holding their arms slightly away from their bodies.
Détection characteristics
Détection of ail types of potentially dangerous objects (métal, ceramic, plastic, liquid)
Outstanding body coverage; complété head, shoulder and leg illumination
High system resolution, bandwidth and dynamic range for high détection performance and minimum false alarms
Certified by the European Civil Aviation Conférence (ECAC)
Benefits for operating company
Low processing time for highest throughput
Fiat with low weight and high positioning flexibility
No operational interruption for calibration
Escape routes through the lanes remain open
Low maintenance costs due to stable calibration and no moving parts
Easy service access since panels are installed on rails
Intégration into local networks possible
Software updates to meet future requirements
Benefits for operators
Simple touchscreen opération
Unobstructed view of arriving persons
Direct access to persons before scanning
The R&S QPS201 from Rohde & Schwarz is the newest people screening system to be certified by TSA as meeting détection requirements for aviation security checkpoint passenger screening.