600 pounds (272 kg)
Length: 107 inches (2.7 meters) (carriage)
Height: 98 inches (2.48 meters) (approx)
Speed 60mph - 100mph
Fuel : 14.4 US Gallons
Better Handling, Easy Operation
The REVO has options to make it fly exactly the way you want it to. Want to fly fast? Touch a switch, want to fly slow flip the switch again. Want to fly perfectly straight? Just hit the roll trim during flight. Want the wing super responsive? Turn a knob.
Want the ultimate in stability? Twist the knob the other way. “ Back in the day, making a wing fly the speed you wanted straight and true with the handling you wanted was a black art. Now anybody can get what they want without being an expert wing tuner using the electric trim and damping options available only on the REVO”.
REVO is constantly evolving. New design features continue to not only improve the REVO, but improve the sport of triking. All upgrades are compatible with the very first REVO ever made allowing all owners to reap the rewards of The relentless R+D team.
Designed for Pilots Wanting No Compromises
Commercial quality construction
Extremely light and stable handling wings
Near still air wind protection even at high speed
Fully trimable in flight making every flight perfect
Extremely quick and knowledgeable customer service
In stock parts in the USA ready for overnight shipping