The RET-EK Hatch PIT systems are factory-assembled complete units for insertion into a factory-assembled or produced locally pit. The retractable, passable, electric media and distribution modules are installed flush with the floor below the apron or hall floor in separate shafts or tunnels within the parking position of the aircraft or repair and parking hall.
The RET-EK Hatch PIT systems are provided for the supply of aircraft and helicopters on the apron and in maintenance hangars.
These serve the underfloor supply of various aircraft and helicopters during flight preparation on the apron as well as maintenance and service work in the hangar.
On the apron and in the hangars they certainly create navigable and accessible open spaces and ensure the flexible and efficient supply of various media.
For all workplaces, they ensure direct and demand-oriented provision of energy, media and data.
Our Hatch pit systems are designed and produced for long life under extreme weather conditions and environmental influences.
The essential advantages RET-EK HATCH PIT are:
➩factory assambled completely install ready system in concrete pit-bunker
➩easy, smooth & safe cover use
➩individual, flexible equipping
➩introduce innovative technologies -
➩modular konstruction design
➩quick & easy service and maintenance
➩built for long lifetime
➩rain and snow protection -
➩integrated drainage system for surface water
➩temperature control in the pit-bunker
➩PIT-bunker drainage system
➩flooding alarm
➩dry PIT-bunker
➩heat insulation of thermal bridges -
➩frost protected drainage pipes -
➩easy installation of complex construction