Practicing at home is a great idea for every pilot. You can keep your skills sharp and your mind in the cockpit even when you can’t make it to the airport. The clean-sheet design of the JAY by Redbird prioritized one thing: Get the pilot flying with a minimum of fuss. There are no peripherals to configure, no systems to install. Take it out of the box, plug it in and turn it on. Now say, “preflight complete.”
Going from shipping box to flying in five minutes isn’t much fun if it breaks five minutes later. That’s why the JAY shares design components with full motion simulators built by Redbird Flight Simulations, which withstand thousands of hours of abuse in flight schools around the world. The software on the JAY is the same code powering those FAA-certified machines. It’s one tough bird.
The Jay is more than a simulator—it’s a flight experience device supporting training, proficiency, and just plain fun! In addition to the free flight mode where you select the aircraft and conditions, the Jay has a scenario mode where you can load a preset scenario and fly it. A scenario could range from a simple aviation challenge to a complex flight with multiple potential outcomes. For example, a magazine article about an aircraft accident can be linked to a mission you’ll be able to fly on your Jay. Redbird creates many of these scenarios in partnership with many training outlets and magazines. The scenario exchange is open to any company wishing to create scenarios for the Jay. A one-button update on the Jay loads the latest free scenarios.