Porvair indicators are designed and manufactured using proven robust design techniques to ensure resistance against the most severe of pressure and vibration environments.
Indication can be by means of a visual or electrical output, or a combination of both variants. Visual indication is provided by means of a red coloured pop-up button that remains in the actuated position until manually reset. Electrical outputs can be provided by flying lead or a wide variety of standard and bespoke electrical connectors.
Further to standard differential pressure indicators and dependent on specification requirements, Porvair can incorporate additional design features such as:
Thermal lockout
Preventing false actuations during expected high viscosity pressure conditions such as cold system start-up.
Non-reset mechanisms
Requiring removal of the DPI and a specific orientation in order to reset, preventing a fail-safe against.
Surge damping
Providing resistance against false actuations during inadvertent system pressure spikes.