Professional Helicopter Simulator
The Platinum Simulators Professional Helicopter Simulator is a two-seat, side-by-side cockpit with dual controls providing hands-on instruction for hovering and all flight maneuvering. A complete instrument panel is provided for visual and instrument training.
The Platinum Simulators Professional Helicopter Simulator allows pilots to spend more time flying to maintain and enhance their proficiency without using expensive helicopter flight time.
The affordability of the Platinum Simulators Professional Helicopter Simulator makes it available to more helicopter operations worldwide.
Instrumentation is displayed full-size on an LCD monitor.
All switches and controls are hard-mounted and replicate the size, shape, color and location of those in the real aircraft.
The 280º visual "out the window" display system offers the most immersive flight environment of any FTD.
The software provides an accurate flight-model including translational lift, ground effect, torque, auto-rotation, etc.
Flight models match the V numbers in the pilot's operating handbook (POH) for each aircraft.