Builder - CAP
Category - Tandem two-seater ULM, BIPLAN
Particularity - Classic biplane wings
Possible variants - Seaplane and land with retractable landing gear.
Possible engines - Rotax 912 UL 80 hp and Rotax 912 ULSFR 100 hp, Jabiru,
soon e-ENGINE
Possible propellers - Woodcomp, Duke, e-prop…
Fuselage - Composite hull
Train before - Polymer type shock absorber, rear wheel coupled by teleflex
main train - Retractable hydraulically or manually…
Roulette tail - Polymer shock absorber and wheel combined with the rudder
Ailerons - Fins aluminum structure covered in Dacron
Aileron controls - By rods
Vertical tail - Fabricated welded mesh
horizontal tail - Fabricated welded mesh
Directional commands - By direct cable
Professional orders. - Rigid by tube
SHORTLY - Modern electronics
Motorization - e-ENGINE
Max. mass - 545 kg, 570 kg with parachute option
Typical front wheel - 4.00 x 4
Train width - 1.30m
Load factors - 6g / -3g
Smooth smoothness - 8
Luggage compartment - 17kg