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Drone electric motor GE70
0 kW...5 kWhybrid

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0 kW...5 kW


For the larger, more power-hungry UAVs Generating 4,000W of hybrid power for the most demanding UAV applications. Larger UAVs pushing the 25kg limit can be easily powered using the GE70. Self-starting and fully self-regulating, this power unit is the perfect complement to high-end UAV platforms that want to push the industry’s limits. KEY SPECIFICATIONS Engine Type Engine Displacement Operating Voltage Fuel Type 2-Stroke Oil Ratio Ignition Fuel Delivery Starting Cooling Introductory TBO Two Cylinder 2-Stroke 70cc (4.29 Cubic Inches) 50V Gasoline, 87 Octane or higher 40:1 Capacitive Discharge Fuel Injection Self-Starting Liquid-Cooled 200 Hours
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.