The HypeR is the latest from the P&M stables, Designed as a result of extensive market research, the HypeR gives the pilot, passenger and instructor the ultimate freedom to enjoy the skies due to its low drag design, cantilever sprung undercarriage and fully adjustable front and rear seating positions making it the perfect flying experience for all shapes and sizes
Wing Area 13sqm
Stall Speed at MAUW 39 mph
Trim Speed: 55- 95 mph
Max Straight & level: 105 mph
Never Exceed Speed: 120 mph
Rate of Climb at MAUW: 1000 ft / min
Rate of Descent at MAUW: 410 ft / min
Empty Weight 248 kg
Max Take-off weight 472.5 kg with BRS
Maximum Cockpit Load 220kg
Individual Seat load 11Okg
Overall Length 4.15m
Overall Height 2.75m
Rotax 912ULS
Fuel Consumption 13 lph
Fuel Capacity 65 litre