The world's fastest flex wing, current world record holder in a straight line. The QuikR is a no nonsense high speed touring aircraft ideal for eating up the miles. With a strut braced 11.43 sqm wing with unique self-rig internal washout rods, the QuikR expands the performance of the original Quik with a hands off trim speed of 55-97mph, depending upon configuration. One look at the wing and you know it has the performance, now fitted with STARS for more precise slow speed handling.
Wing Area 11.43sqm
Wing Span 8.45m
Max Straight & Level Speed 11Omph
Never Exceed Speed Vne 120mph
Trim Fast Cruise (max / min AUW) 65-97mph/55-100mph
Trim Slow Cruise (max / min AUW) 55-93mph/45-95mph
Stall Speed 40mph
Climb Rate at MAUW 1150ft min
Rate Of Descent at MAUW 500ft min
Ultimate Strength +6g -3g
Wing Folded. Trike Upright
Overall Length 5.25m
Overall Height 2.96m
Overall Width 1.75m
Wing Folded. Trike Folded
Overall Height 2.05m
Overall Length 5.00m
Overall Width 1.75
Empty Weight 225 kg
Maximum All Up Weight 450kg
Maximum Cockpit Load 220kg
Individual Seat load 11Okg
Overall Length 3.8m