Increased stability
Decreased weight
Improved sink rate
Rapid inflation
This is the OZONE R&D Team’s choice for reserve parachutes. Testing prototype paragliders in the Southern Alps is a demanding process, and that is why our test pilots use the Angel SQ. In Russ Ogden’s words, “The Angel SQ is clearly superior — as soon as we completed testing I switched to it for all of the flying I do, whether it’s testing, competitions, or just fun XC.”
Modern square rescue parachute designs have proven time and again to offer significantly better pendulum stability and sink rate performance than traditional round parachutes, whilst retaining the fast opening times that are critical for our safety. Designed and developed by the OZONE R&D Team, the Angel SQ includes all of his knowledge and experience to create the latest, most up to date development of the concept.
The two main factors in reserve parachute performance are sink rate and stability. A reserve parachute with an acceptable theoretical sink rate can easily deliver a hard landing if there is pendulum instability. The principal advantage of the Angel SQ over a traditional round is in its increased stability. The increased stability combined with the Angel SQ’s excellent sink rate makes it a higher performance reserve than traditional rounds.
The Angel SQ has a relatively large surface area, yet is very light in weight, giving exceptional sink rate and stability performance with fast opening times.The large surface area is the principal ingredient in its excellent sink rate — all sizes of the Angel SQ provide plenty of margin within the weight ranges they are certified to carry.