The Instantaneous angular Velocity Converter (IVC) provides instantaneous angular velocity signal to be analyzed.
Integrated Frequency to Voltage converter
Cross Phase Tracking: the order cross-phase relatively to a reference channel for torsional resonances at specific orders identification
Virtual inputs compute the static and dynamic twist from 2 tachometers’ signals
Main Features
No additional hardware to the standard 3-Series analyzers
Up to 6 torsional inputs per analyzer
Up to 1,024 pls/rev and 30,000 RPM (with a 5° resolution)
High accuracy with 6.4 MHz over-sampling
Record and analyze synchronously with standard AC/DC/ICP inputs
Real-time and post-processing
Torsional vibrations export (UFF, MAT, txt, SDF, wav, etc..)
Spectral, order, time domain, overall, waterfall analyses of the torsional channels
Missing pulses management
Angle, angular velocity and angular acceleration with integration and differentiation filters
Integrated frequency to voltage converters
The 3-Series analyzers integrate the frequency to voltage converters based on the existing external synch. inputs, used for the measurement of torsional vibration. The Instantaneous angular Velocity Converter software option converts it in an instantaneous angular velocity signal available for the analysis plug-ins. With NVGate, the software platform for OROS 3-Series analyzers, the analyses can be real-time and/or post-processed.