Spectral and Order Diagnostics toolset
FFTDiag and ORDiag
Whatever the machine you deal with, you have to take care about its noise and vibration related to machine health and health assessment. OROS provides instruments with cepstrum, envelope demodulation, FRF, ORF, correlation and indicators dedicated to diagnostics and predictive maintenance of industrial machinery.
A complete toolset dedicated to machinery diagnostics: rotating machine trains, transmissions, gears and roller bearings
Kinematics’ markers
Levels & profiles 15
Envelope demodulation
Spectral Diagnostics Toolset
The FFTDiag software module enriches your NVGate FFT with powerful computations, graphs, markers and signal indicators. It offers a complete tool set for diagnostic purpose on steady-state or low speed variation machines.
First statistical indicators are extracted from the trigger blocks. Such levels easily indicate offset (DC), shocks/clicks (crest factor), maximum excursion (Pk, Pk-Pk) and the true RMS.
The shaftview plots transducers time series along the shaft axis. This representation simplifies angular position understating showing the actual rotor, shaft, pulley and gears mechanics.
The envelope demodulation and periodic markers measure the periodicity of shocks form roller bearings and rotating parts.
The auto and cross-correlation are the right tools to identify a repeated or transmitted pattern in vibration or noise. Cross-correlation allows localizing the source position between 2 transducers.