The IR/UV Line Scanner is a standard sensor for airborne oil spill monitoring. It is capable of visualizing relative oil spill thickness in qualitative terms:
no oil
thin oil (thickness ≈ > 0.01 micron)
thick oil (thickness ≈ 1 micron ... 50 micron)
very thick oil (thickness ≈ > 50 micron)
The OPTIMARE IR/UV Line Scanner is characterized by a unique optical design, an excellent maintainability and a broad operating temperature range. The lightweight and ruggedized system is frequently used in conjunction with the Side-Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR).
Detection of highly reflective features on the sea surface such as oil spills and biogenic surface films
Highly resolved mapping of very thin and thick oil layers on the water surface
Basic sensor for automatic creation of thematic maps of the oil spill scene (automated scene analysis)
Imaging remote sensor for thermal mapping applications