TestView provides a test automation tool specifically developed to accelerate testing, perform exhaustive analysis and guarantee test reproducibility. Use TestView to quickly and easily prepare complex test sequences in a significantly shorter period of time. Integrated with HYPERSIM®, TestView also enables additional cost-savings, as no additional testing software integration is required.
Perform Exhaustive Tests
Perform statistical, random and Monte Carlo simulations for an exhaustive testing routine. TestView executes post-analysis calculations (i.e. maximum voltage peak of 1000 tests) and enables exchanges of data with third-party software formats, providing the user with an optimal reporting experience. Parameters can be imported from Excel and reports exported back for easier analysis and editing. Further customization is possible through open APIs, enabling the user to work with external command tools.
Accelerate Testing
Focus on the results rather than how to obtain them: TestView reduces the amount of manipulations necessary to create complex studies, while enabling programming of automatic test sequences with no user intervention and ready for overnight execution.
Increase Report Speed
TestView’s automatic reporting enables easier viewing and analysis of results. Based on specific criteria, waveforms corresponding to worst cases can be stored for offline analysis. Users can automatically sort parameters under study, when needed.
Guarantee Test Reproducibility
TestView enables users to perform intelligent data management, guaranteeing test reproducibility.