Always stocked for responsive manufacturing and delivery, NFC supplies the global aerospace industry with Nickel 200 Mesh filter elements for critical oxygen based applications.
NFC Nickel 200 Mesh Elements excel in applications that demand clean and reliable filtration within high pressure, extreme temperature, and chemically challenging environments.
NFC Nickel elements are well suited for applications where conventional filter element materials are not adequate, whether driven by temperature, media compatibility, or pressure requirements.
NFC Nickel elements tolerate extreme temperatures, are extremely corrosion resistant, and due to its exceptional fluid compatibility, thrive while servicing oxygen based applications within the Aerospace industry!
When working with GOX/LOX systems, our Aerospace clients prefer Nickel 200 mesh to all other material options! NFC keep Nickel 200 mesh stocked in-house for rapid response manufacturing and delivery!
Nickel filter elements are excellent substitutes for Brass, Monel, Inconel, Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel materials within the Aerospace industry.