Flexibility and efficiency guides to leadership.
The well proven sturdy and, torsion free gantry concept enables the machine to provide the maximum acceleration-deceleration at the highest feed rates.
A low power CO2 laser resonator set up on the machine provides appropriate power, mode and beam quality for optimal maskant cutting and maximum feed rates.
TORRESLASER® Gantry Laser Machines are built in various sizes to meet customer needs.
The TORRESLASER® 5 axes High Speed Laser Machine can be integrated with different solutions to fulfil the particular requirements of the customers, as far as part/tooling handling is concerned.
A fully automated palletized system integrated/interfaced with the TORRESLASER® allows the automatic management of hard tooling. However, the most flexible solution for parts machining is integrating the TORRESLASER® with a TORRESTOOL®, flexible tooling system.
The TORRESLASER® system may be delivered with a simulation software to minimize ready to work time and the risk of collisions. Optionally postprocessor for both the TORRESLASER® can be provided to generate the par program.
Main feature
Flexibility and efficiency guides to leadership.
The TORRESLASER plus TORRETOOL cell provides de highest degree of productivity and flexibility for laser scribing within chemical milling process. Its extreme flexibility allows it to adapt immediately to virtually any part shape, removing the need of traditional hard tooling.