Vertical Speed Indicators are precision instruments which provide indication of the rate of change in altitude. This arises from the difference between the static pressure and the pressure inside of the instrument, emerging during ascent or descent. The pressure differential deforms the membrane and this deformation is transmitted to the pointer. Ascent is indicated by clockwise rotation of the pointer; descent is indicated by counter clockwise rotation. This model has temperature compensation. A zero adjustment screw is located on the face of the case at the seven o´clock position. The range of indication is 0 - 2,000 ft/minute (10 m/s) or 0 - 6,000 ft/minute (30 m/s). There is also a version with an illuminated instrument face (supply voltage: 5, 14, 28 VDC - according to customer requirements). This instrument fulfills the requirements and methodology rules TSO - C8d and RTCA/DO - 160C.